Lung Cancer | How eReferral Technology Can Improve Diagnosis

The Importance of Early Screening for Lung Cancer

Lung cancers are frequently diagnosed at a late stage, making the prognosis very poor. Due to the progressive nature of lung cancer, it is imperative that patients are diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Watch now for expert guidance on detecting early presenting symptoms, discover what patient groups should be evaluated for early detection of lung cancer, and hear how eReferrals can expedite the referral process and enhance patient and provider communication to help improve health outcomes.

The Importance of Early Screening for Lung Cancer

Value and Benefits of Electronic Referrals

Interested in learning more about eReferrals for Ontario professionals?

eReferrals connects you to a wider community of referral sources and recipients, through an online, searchable directory of specialists and service providers in a secure and streamlined way.

Over 4,000 primary care providers, clinical specialists, and service providers use the Ontario eReferral program, with over 1M successful referrals. Join the eReferrals program today to grow your referral network and improve the referral experience for clinicians, administrators, and patients.