This is a 30-minute CCCEP-accredited eCME program for Canadian pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. The goal is to provide education on the expanded scope of practice for pharmacists across Canada with a focus on practical considerations for common ailment management. This program offers a thorough overview of the evolving role of pharmacists in patient care, practical strategies for managing common ailments, and actionable steps to integrate common ailments management into your clinical practice.
Practice Management
Common Ailments in Community Pharmacy: A Collaborative Approach to Care
Common ailments are described as health conditions that can be managed with minimal treatment and/or self-care strategies. Across the country, provincial governments have approved regulations that expand the scope of practice for pharmacists to support the management of common ailments. This program provides practical information on the role of pharmacists in the collaborative care of patients with common ailments.
30 min
# des crédits
Date d'expiration
This is a 30-minute CCCEP-accredited eCME program for Canadian pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. The goal is to provide education on the expanded scope of practice for pharmacists across Canada with a focus on practical considerations for common ailment management. This program offers a thorough overview of the evolving role of pharmacists in patient care, practical strategies for managing common ailments, and actionable steps to integrate common ailments management into your clinical practice.
La Faculté
Carla Beaton, BScPhm, RPh, FASCP
Aleksa Stankic, PharmD, RPh
Kathy Li, PharmD, RPh
Objectifs d'apprentissage
Upon completion of this continuing education program participants will be better able to:- Describe expanded scope of pharmacist practice across Canada with a focus on common ailments
- Identify practical considerations for common ailments management
- Recognize the importance of a collaborative care approach for common ailment management
This continuing education lesson is designed primarily for pharmacists and has been accredited by the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) for 0.70 CEU(s).
CCCEP File Number: 1066-2024-3877-I-P
This continuing educational activity has been accredited by the OPQ; 0.5 continuing education units/credits will be awarded to pharmacists who successfully complete the program.
Accreditation number: 240244
CCCEP File Number: 1066-2024-3877-I-P
This continuing educational activity has been accredited by the OPQ; 0.5 continuing education units/credits will be awarded to pharmacists who successfully complete the program.
Accreditation number: 240244
Coût du cours :
Des crédits: 0.70
Durée 30 min