Cours de formation médicale continue pour les résidents en médecine

Naviguez notre sélection de formations FMC pour les résidents en médecine, y compris des programmes accrédités, et améliorez votre pratique dès aujourd’hui !

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Les cours de FMC les plus récents pour les résidents en médecine

Cardiovascular, Medication Management
10 min
10 min
Mental Health, Women's Health
15 min
15 min
Cardiovascular, Medication Management
10 min
10 min
Diabetes, Medication Management
10 min
10 min
10 min
10 min

Naviguez notre catalogue de centaines de cours de formation médicale continue.

Pourquoi MDBriefCase est-elle une leader des cours de FMC ?


Des centaines de cours gratuits

Nous offrons des cours accrédités conçus pour votre spécialité, afin que vous puissiez obtenir vos crédits de FMC/DPC.


Présentateurs de calibre mondiale

En collaboration étroite avec des partenaires et des institutions locaux au Canada, en Australie, au Royaume-Uni, en Europe et au Moyen-Orient, nous adaptons l’accréditation et le contenu pour chaque pays que nous servons.


Contenu premium

Accédez à une sélection complète de cours gratuits, ciblés et de première qualité, exclusifs à MDBriefCase.


Plus de 20 domaines thérapeutiques

All programs are developed by leading specialists and peer-reviewed by experts at respected institutions.


Online Convenience

Tous les programmes sont développés par des spécialistes de premier plan et évalués par des pairs experts auprès d’institutions respectées.


Formats multiples

Des balados (podcasts) et vidéos aux présentations et documents techniques, nous avons adapté l’expérience d’apprentissage à vos préférences.

Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Author Agreement

In submitting your work (the “Work”) for potential posting on the MDBriefCase Healthcare Leadership Academy website (the “Website”), you (“You”) expressly agree to the following:

Review: MDBriefCase is pleased to consider the publication of Your Work on the Website.   The suitability of the Work for posting shall be determined by MDBRiefCase at its sole discretion. Nothing herein shall obligate MDBriefcase to post or otherwise publish the Work, or the maintain its posting in future.   

Editing; Identification: MDBriefcase shall have the right to edit the Work to conform to our standards of style, technological requirements, language usage, grammar and punctuation, provided that the meaning of the Work is not materially altered.  If posted, You will be identified as the author of the Work, or co-author if applicable.  

Grant of Rights:  As a condition of publication and for no monetary compensation, You hereby grant to MDBriefCase the following rights to the Work in any and all media whether now existing or hereafter developed, including print and electronic/digital formats:  (1) the exclusive right of first publication worldwide;  (2) the perpetual non-exclusive worldwide right to publish, reproduce, distribute, sell, adapt, perform, display, sublicense, and create derivative works, alone or in conjunction with other materials; (3) the perpetual non-exclusive worldwide right to use the Work, or any part thereof, in any other publication produced by MDBriefCase and/or on MDBriefCase’s website; and (4) the perpetual non-exclusive worldwide right to use the Work to promote and publicize MDBriefCase or its publications.  The grant of rights survives termination or expiration of this Agreement.    

Warranty:  You warrant that the Work is original with You and that it is not subject to any third party copyright; that You have authority to grant the rights in this Agreement; that publication of the Work will not libel anyone or infringe on or invade the rights of others; that You have full power and authority to enter into this Agreement; that the Work has not been published elsewhere in whole or in part; and that You have obtained permission from the copyright owner consistent with this Agreement for any third party copyrighted material in the Work.  This warranty survives termination or expiration of this Agreement.

Submission Agreement

Thank you for your interest in writing an article for the MDBriefCase Healthcare Leadership Academy website.

Audience and Appropriate Topics

The  Healthcare Leadership Academy welcomes submissions on all topics relevant to leaders in healthcare. Our topics include Leading in Healthcare, Leadership Lessons from COVID-19 and others. We prioritize stories that provide leadership advice to executives and managers in healthcare companies, offer actionable strategies for executing successful projects, and provide interesting angles on current healthcare topics. Submissions must be original work of the authors and unpublished.  When submitting, authors represent that they have included no material that is in violation of the rights of any other person or entity.


Articles must be educational and non-promotional. If they mention the author’s company or any of the company’s products or services by name within the text, such mention should be very limited and used for reference only, not for promotion. (For example, an author might cite a survey conducted by his company but not describe his company’s product as a solution to a business problem.) Articles will be edited for clarity, style and brevity. The final headline is determined by the editor.

Length of Submissions

Guest articles for the MDBriefCase Healthcare Leadership Academy may run between 500 and 1000 words. 


MDBriefCase reserves the right to accept or reject any submission  and the right to condition acceptance upon revision of material to conform to its criteria.   

No Compensation

There is no payment for contributed articles. However, MDBriefCase will give the author a byline. Authors are invited to link to the article on personal  websites, corporate websites and social media platforms.

Author Agreements

Each author understands and agrees that any submission accepted for posting is provided subject to MDBriefCase’s Author Agreement