Mental Health, Paediatrics

Child and Youth Mental Health: Identification and Support Strategies

This is a 15-minute eCME program for Canadian HCPs. The program is designed to provide practical information on identifying and supporting children and youth (up to their 18th birthday) living with mental health concerns, with a focus on strategies for discussing and recommending follow-up support. Utilizing case studies, the program will review the One Stop Talk/Parlons Maintenant (OST/PM) service and how healthcare providers can implement OST/PM in clinical practice.


15 min


Physician, Nursing, Pharmacy, Allied Health, Medical Resident, Student







Approximately 1 in 5 children and youth in Ontario has a mental health challenge and 70% of mental health challenges have their onset in childhood or youth. Early identification and intervention are crucial to improve educational performance and long-term health outcomes. There is a significant need for services that immediately connect children and youth to a professional therapist. This program will provide participants with key information about tools and resources to identify and support children and youth (up to their 18th birthday) with mental health concerns.

This program has received an unrestricted educational grant or in-kind support from Strides Toronto.


Javed Alloo, MD, CCFP
Christine Palmay, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Sol Stern, MD, MCFP
Yvonne Bergmans, PhD, MSW, RSW

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this continuing education program, participants will be better able to:

  • Cite the prevalence and burden of mental health concerns in children and youth in Ontario.
  • Describe appropriate tools and resources to identify children and youth living with mental health concerns.
  • Employ strategies to discuss and recommend follow-up support resources.
Cost of course:  
# of credits: 0
Duration: 15 min


MDBriefCase Group specializes in accredited, online continuing professional development (CPD) programs, custom tailored for specific international markets and available on a convenient online platform.

All content is developed by leading specialists and peer-reviewed by experts at respected institutions, which keeps more than 280,000 global healthcare professionals at the forefront of the latest evidence and protocols worldwide.

The vast majority of our programs are accredited by one or more respected institutions. We do provide unaccredited content to ensure that healthcare professionals have access to relevant practical resources in addition to accredited learning.

Specific accrediting information (including the accrediting body, along with the type and number of credits) can be found on the “Main” page and/or “Accreditation” page of each program. In order to qualify for accreditation and obtain your certificate, you must successfully complete the requirements listed on the “Accreditation” or “CME Information” pages available in each program.

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Specific accrediting information (including the accrediting body, along with the type and number of credits) can be found on the “Main” page and/or “Accreditation” page of each program. In order to qualify for accreditation and obtain your certificate, you must successfully complete the requirements listed on the “Accreditation” or “CME Information” pages available in each program.

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Child and Youth Mental Health: Identification and Support Strategies

15 min


Physician, Nursing, Pharmacy, Allied Health, Medical Resident, Student



# of credits

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this continuing education program, participants will be better able to:

  • Cite the prevalence and burden of mental health concerns in children and youth in Ontario.
  • Describe appropriate tools and resources to identify children and youth living with mental health concerns.
  • Employ strategies to discuss and recommend follow-up support resources.



Mental Health, Paediatrics

Learning Category

Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Major Depressive Disorder, Children health





Expiry Date



Course Description

Approximately 1 in 5 children and youth in Ontario has a mental health challenge and 70% of mental health challenges have their onset in childhood or youth. Early identification and intervention are crucial to improve educational performance and long-term health outcomes. There is a significant need for services that immediately connect children and youth to a professional therapist. This program will provide participants with key information about tools and resources to identify and support children and youth (up to their 18th birthday) with mental health concerns.

This program has received an unrestricted educational grant or in-kind support from Strides Toronto.


Javed Alloo, MD, CCFP
Christine Palmay, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Sol Stern, MD, MCFP
Yvonne Bergmans, PhD, MSW, RSW

